Dental Implants Aftercare

At Puresmile Reading Dental & Implants we’ll explain how important it is to know how to care for your dental implants after your implant surgery, and in the long term. Below is some useful information about dental implant aftercare and of course never hesitate to contact us if you have any queries not covered here.

Advice for after Dental Implant treatment

  • Do not undertake strenuous exercise or heavy lifting for the first few days after surgery.
  • Avoid disturbing the area with your tongue or fingers and avoid alcohol and smoking for two weeks as these will slow down the healing process.
  • Avoid brushing the surgical site for the first few days after surgery.
  • Instead of brushing use a cotton bud and clean the site gently with the mouthwash you have been recommended.
  • If you have a denture that covers the surgical area please wear it as little as possible for the first week to protect the surgical site during healing.
  • Avoid hot food and drinks for the first 24 hours and do not eat until the local anaesthetic has worn off.
  • Successful oral surgery depends on keeping the mouth clean. Rinse with the recommended mouthwash 3 or 4 times a day.
  • If you’re given a course of antibiotics, take as directed and finish the course.
  • As with any surgery, the possibility of infection exists. Contact us if you experience increasing pain and swelling.
  • If you have had a sinus lift procedure or had implants in your upper back teeth, avoid blowing your nose for two weeks. Avoid flying and swimming for two weeks after surgery.

Maintenance of your Dental Implants

The daily care of dental implants is very similar to the care of natural teeth. However it is very important that your personal oral hygiene practices are maintained to the highest standard to prevent diseases around the implants and improve their lifespan.

With proper home care and hygienist visits, you can keep your new teeth throughout life. Implants should be kept clean and plaque free twice a day using a brush and dental floss or an interdental brush. In some cases your dentist may suggest specialist cleaning aids such as interdental brushes, periodontal floss or a water flosser to help you maintain optimum implant health.

Important areas to clean:

  • Your implant-supported tooth, above and below the gum line.
  • In between your neighbouring teeth

Regular appointments with your hygienist will ensure that you are maintaining the implants, crowns and bridges in the healthiest possible way to ensure long-term success. Your dentist will advise you of the most effective maintenance schedule both before and after implant treatment.

Implant Aftercare FAQs

Will I experience pain after implant placement?

Most patients are pleasantly surprised as to how little pain is experienced. Often none or just a couple of pain control tablets are needed on the day after the procedure. Some swelling as well as bruising for a few days after surgery can also be expected.

What are the risks and complications of dental implants?

Fortunately the risks associated with dental implants are very rare and you are very unlikely to experience dental implant problems, but with any procedure there are risks and complications. Smoking and poor oral hygiene significantly reduces long term success of your implants.

How often do I need to visit my dentist after implant placement?

For the first few months your dentist may ask that you are seen more frequently; however, once they are satisfied your treatment is performing as planned, ongoing care will be similar to any patient with natural teeth.

What is peri-implant disease?

Peri-implant mucositis is inflammation in the gums around the implants. Plaque needs to be removed regularly, or it can build up, especially along the gum line, and cause redness and swelling. If plaque is not removed it hardens into tartar. In time peri-implantitis can occur which means the bone around the implant will start to break down, and the implant gradually loses its attachment.

Booking a Dental Implant Consultation

Book a Dental Implant Consultation with our Reading dental team by calling: 0118 9507229 or email [email protected]

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